Diversity Leaders Online
Monday, 11 April 2016
Late day stock slide
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Argentina money-laundering scandal
Thursday, 10 March 2016
ECB cuts rates and ups assets buys
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Was Jennifer Lawrence right about smartphone etiquette?
The actor was criticised after she chided a reporter for using his phone at Golden Globes press call, sparking fierce disagreement about modern manners
Michael Hogan, Observer writer As any sane person knows, Hollywood heroine Jennifer Lawrence can do little wrong and her so-called “outburst” about mobile phones at last weekend’s Golden Globes was typically spot-on. “You can’t live your whole life behind your phone, bro,” Lawrence told a reporter. “You gotta live in the now.” Too right. We’ve become so transfixed by our mobiles that we frequently forget basic manners and people skills. Go into a shop nowadays and you’ll often find both customer and staff on their phones, grunting at each other distractedly. Friends plonk their mobiles in front of them on pub or restaurant tables, meaning the actual human being sitting opposite has to compete for their attention. And don’t get me started on the endless selfie merchants, food Instagrammers or gig-goers who “enjoy” proceedings through a tiny screen. Technology is a great, life-enhancing thing but we need to relearn how to use our devices, rather than letting them use us. J-Law’s word is, well, law.
I don’t love playing second fiddle to a phone, but you never know what news someone might be awaiting
Time spent working out of hours on phones and tablets averages 29 days per year – more than most holiday allowances
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